Projects Report for April 2023
Cummins Map Indexing
Of the 87 areas, 63 have been completed and the balance are being indexed. We are now checking all the approximate 130,000 entries and tidying up the information. Upon Completion we will have indexed all the occupied ¼ sections, river lots and located rural schools.
This data provides a snapshot of Manitoba’s rural population in 1923 from the start of immigration in the 1870’s, through the railway development years, to a time when most of southern part of the province was occupied. A small amount of farmland has been added since 1923.
Pedigree Charts
The committee has met and finalized the Policy and Procedures for handling the existing collection of members submitted genealogies, as well as the renewed collection of genealogical archival materials. These finalized documents will now go to the MGS Executive for approval, and if approved, will then go to the MGS Council for approval.
Local History Book Indexing
Indexing local history books is as easy as reading the book at your computer and listing the page number and name of all the people mentioned. The books are available for download from the Digital Collection at the U of M, Dafoe library and a simple excel sheet is used for indexing,
If you are interested, please contact
Guardians of all the Cemeteries
This is a project associated with Cemetery Transcriptions. Our goal is to create a list of burials of people who do not have a memorial. We are assembling a contact database of all the cemeteries in Manitoba. A Guardian is usually a local church, the municipality, town, city or a fraternal organization.
As we acquire the contact information for the guardian’s, we will be requesting their assistance for the location of the records and permission to include the information we gather into our records for future use. In some cases, we will also be requesting permission to visit private cemeteries.
We ask any member with information on their local cemetery forward any contact information to
Newspaper Obits 1953 to 1968
It has come to my attention that the indexing of the Winnipeg newspapers of this period need to be indexed. OCR (optical character recognition) is great but when the newspapers scans are of poor quality the OCR doesn’t work. Without a date of death, the obit could not be found. One of the only sources is MANI.
If you have Newspaper Archives on your computer and are able to index a month or year please advise. The indexing can also be done at the MGS Resource Centre on one of the two computers we have Newspaper Archives installed on. Please contact
Future Projects
Digitizing of the information in the MGS Library be it by indexing or scanning will allow all members to have access to the information, that we who live in and around Winnipeg take for granted.
If you would like to help or have any requests, please advise us at