News from the Grants Committee Chair
by Kathy Blair-Colbert, #6484
Grants & Applications Chair
The Manitoba Genealogical Society is pleased to have received approval and funding from the Winnipeg Foundation for a wall mounted large screen television in the amount of $1,630. This television will support our educational, administrative, and community outreach programming including demonstrations, resources, during public events, seminars, and teaching sessions. Participants in educational events will benefit from participating in a classroom-like environment. It will also make it easier for all participant screens to be shown during meetings where members are connecting via Zoom. The MGS is very appreciative of the support and generosity of the Winnipeg Foundation.
The Winnipeg Foundation connects donors from all walks of life with local charitable organizations that help our city flourish, for all. The Foundation is an endowment-based organization which means gifts received are pooled and invested. The income generated provides a stable source of support for our community For Good. Forever.
The Foundation makes community grants to charitable organizations in support of the following Cause areas: Arts, Culture & Heritage, Children, Youth & Families, Environment & Animal Welfare, Health, Wellness & Recreation, Literacy, Education & Employment. In 2022, it distributed $85 million to the community.
The MGS was recently advised that its grant application to the Manitoba Arts, Culture, and Sport in Community Small Capital and Special Initiatives fund was approved in full – $25,000. We should be receiving official news very soon on this. Rick Walker, Research Chair and his team initiated this application last fall.
The project will include: replacing all existing carpeting in the MGS resource centre to make it a more inviting, safe, clean and accessible space.
Our unit exterior signage above the entrance does not adequately identify our organization and is not visible from the street. Approval for new signage was granted as part of this request.
To enhance our services, two new commercial grade scanners were approved. These scanners will be used by the public to scan old photographs, original documents, and other genealogical records to ensure they are preserved in a digital format. This will provide additional benefits for our members.