What is Genealogy?
GENEALOGY is a form of detective work. It utilizes birth, marriage and death registrations, parish registers, wills, census returns and other sources of records available in libraries, government vital statistics offices and other repositories. In this way, with some good luck and after hours of fascinating delving, you can begin to construct your family tree.
What is Family History?
FAMILY HISTORY, however, is more than this. Family Historians want to know about the places their ancestors lived in, their occupations and interests, what they ate and wore, why and how they traveled, and other aspects of their lives. The records which throw light on these things, when you know where to find them and how to use them are rich in information about aspects of your ancestors’ lives. With this material, the past – your past will begin to come to life.
Winnipeg Public Library Genealogy Guides
How do I Start?
You can begin by collecting as much information as you can by speaking to your relatives, particularly the older ones, and recording their reminiscences and anecdotes. This is an important and urgent task that will help you in your later research. Also look for items such as photographs, certificates, school reports, a family Bible, etc. Most families have more of these items than they realize.
Joining the Manitoba Genealogical Society can Help
Besides collecting material from your family and searching for information you will realize that there are other people from all walks of life and of all ages who have similar interests to your own. One of the reasons why Genealogical Societies exist is to help such people get together in order to share their experiences and help each other with their problems. There are many such groups across Canada and indeed in many parts of the world.
The Manitoba Genealogical Society Inc. was founded in 1976. Its aims include promoting the study of genealogy and family history, and encouraging the preservation of relevant documents and records.