The Manitoba Genealogical Society, Inc. (MGS) volunteers
- assist researchers to trace their family history wherever in the world they may have come from, and
- work to preserve and make available Manitoba genealogical and historical records/materials.
Volunteers are the backbone of our organization. In addition to running the organization, volunteers contribute to our holdings, including: transcribing cemeteries, collecting obituaries, creating digital databases, assisting researchers with their ancestors and so much more. If you are interested in volunteering, we’d love to help you find a great fit with our organization.
We collect Manitoba names for our MANItoba Name Index. This includes the names of newspapers, cemeteries, churches, funeral homes and pretty much any Manitoba source that would have data for you to find your ancestors and learn about their life and death.
“Every Manitoba family came from
somewhere else at some time.”
~ Aleta Foreman, MGS Volunteer
We help people research their family history. Our member volunteers have traced their families back to many different countries and have that knowledge and experience to share with you. Come join us, won’t you!
“Many MGS members have years of experience in their own research
and it can be for anywhere in the world. Knowing this
can save you a lot of time finding what resources are available.
I have always found it much easier to ask someone for help or some direction, rather than trying to search on my own.”
~ Daryl Dumanski, MGS Volunteer