Volunteers from the MGS Research committee are offering free research assistance for two non-members each month.
When: Third Thursday of each month – Jan. 17, Feb. 21, March 21, etc. for a trial period.
Time: 2-hour sessions from 1 to 3 pm
Location: MGS Resource Centre, 1045 St. James St. (corner of “Brick” Furniture parking lot).
Application: Send an email to research@mbgenealogy.comat least 7 days prior to your desired session. Applicants will be advised within 2 days if accepted. Bring as much information about your “question” as possible to the session.
Note: MGS members can receive assistance with their research anytime the Library is open.
I would like some research help, but it sounds like this is in person, do you have sessions on line,
We have no sessions online but you could contact our Research committee at research@mbgenealogy.com if you had a specific question. They might be able to help you.
What hours are you open and what is the cost of a membership?
I just sent you an email with answers to your questions. Briefly – annual membership is $50. Library open Tuesday – Thursday 10 am – 3 pm. More info on website – https://mbgenealogy.com/membership/
I’m in the UK 🙁
I have a Ukrainian aunt with the Maiden name of Julka Krushelnicki
and the married name of Julka/ Julia Slubski/ Slupski. She was born in 1891 , Molyszchyni? Ukraine. Can you , please, help me find her place of internment etc?
Is your aunt interred in Manitoba or in the Ukraine?
a) If in Manitoba, please email your query to our MGS Research Committee at research@mbgenealogy.com.
They will try to help you.
b) If in the Ukraine, the Manitoba Genealogical Society does not have access to records in the Ukraine. Please email your query to the East European Genealogical Society in Winnipeg at info@eegsociety.org. They may be able to help you.
I am in the UK, and am looking for descendants of James Lang (b.1835 to ??), whose daughter Helen Constance Lang (1873-1932) and Frank Herbert Wilson (1881 -1941). I have further names of their children but I’m slightly alarmed at the restrictions on birth marriages and deaths in Canada compared to the UK! Is there any way to search online for the death of James in the Manitoba region between 1911 and say 1925?
Thank you for your inquiry. The privacy laws in each province of Canada may be different from those in the UK. In Manitoba unrestricted records are searchable for genealogy purposes within the following guidelines:
Births at least 100 years ago or longer
Marriages at least 80 years ago or longer
Deaths at least 70 years ago or longer
You may search the database by going to Manitoba Vital Statistics web site at: http://vitalstats.gov.mb.ca/genealogy.html
If your search of the database is not fruitful, please write back and I will forward your inquiry to our Research Administrator. Good luck.
I am a member of the SW branch and do not usually attend the Winnipeg meetings. I wonder if you have any special interest groups learning to use Family Tree maker 2017?
Hello Grace,
I am not aware of any current special interest groups learning how to use Family Tree Maker 2017. However, I will forward your inquiry others in our administration who may have an answer to your question.
Hello Grace,
In follow up to your query, we are not aware of any current interest groups learning how to use FTM 2017. However, a suggestion was made to me to look at what videos are available on YouTube. YouTube is actually quite resourceful and a useful learning tool. Good luck!
Hi there. Looking for some online help as I am currently living in California. However, my maternal ancestors homesteaded in South West Manitoba. One of my current projects is to track down the homestead information for the original family homestead. I have some basic information but am unable to visit the archives in person. Is there someone who can help? I am willing to contribute to your society financially, or I have several genealogical presentations that I share via Zoom to other genealogical societies (mostly California and Alberta). Some of these may interest your group. Thanks loads. Ron
Please visit our research page for your options. https://mbgenealogy.com/what-we-offer/research-assistance/