Metis Genealogy

Tuesday, May 31 – Winnipeg Libraries Presentation

Gilles Lesage and Janet La France of the Centre du Patrimoine, Société historique de Saint-Boniface, presented the various resources available to anyone interested in researching their Métis ancestry. These resources included census data and records kept in archives and genealogical societies. St. John’s Library, 500 Salter St. 6:15 – 7:15 pm. Phone 204-986-4689 to register. Free admission.


Metis Ancestry

The Manitoba Genealogical Society has our research services to help you with your research. Visiting the MGS Resource Centre will give you access to our many holdings which are not online due to copyright issues.

The best place to get Metis information is from:

Centre du Patrimoine,
Société historique de Saint-Boniface
340, boulevard Provencher
Saint-Boniface, Manitoba R2H 0G7

Heritage Center
Historical Society of Saint-Boniface
340 Provencher Boulevard
Winnipeg, MB R2H 0G7

Société historique de Saint-Boniface
Phone: (204) 233-4888

14 Responses to Metis Genealogy

  • Claude Dumont

    I am looking for my Metis heritage for Dumont from Otterburne. My father was Arthur and mother Marielle. He is buried in Ile Des Chenes.

    Contact me at

    • Janice Butcher

      You will have to contact the Centre du Patrimoine, Société historique de Saint-Boniface, 340 boulevard Provencher, 204-233-4888.

    • Barbara Demchuk

      looking for metis heritage for delvina mcdermid ( cyr)

      • Janice Butcher

        You will have to contact the Centre du Patrimoine, Société historique de Saint-Boniface, 340 boulevard Provencher, 204-233-4888.

  • Peter Thomas Nault

    Someone just contacted me lately to see if we were related, she told me that my grandparents were Felix and Edna (Berthelette) Nault.
    I know my fathers name was Ronald Herculs Nault. But that is all i have. I have never met my father or anyone with my last name.

    • Janice Butcher

      Sorry for the delay in responding. MGS is not the best place to ask. You will have to contact the Centre du Patrimoine, Société historique de Saint-Boniface, 340 boulevard Provencher, 204-233-4888.

  • bj.reimer

    hi i have a genealogy allready being done paid for it nothing back,what happened to it.was searching for eveyln mary chaboyer,married to jack reimer 2 children both boys. could you pleasse see if you can find it.

    • Janice Butcher

      MGS does not give Metis certificates. You will have to contact the Centre du Patrimoine, Société historique de Saint-Boniface, 340 boulevard Provencher, 204-233-4888.

  • Lila Watko (nee Turner)

    I am trying to find out about my ancestors from the Red River Colony. I only have 3 names.

    1. Peter Turner (Turnor)
    2. Mary Beads
    3. Joseph Turner

    I would like to find out if they were Metis or Native Indian.

    My Grandfather’s name was Joseph Edward Turner and my Dad’s name was Lloyd Ralph Turner.

    Than you in advance for your help.

    Lila Watko

    • Angela Fiebelkorn

      Hi Lila,

      MGS has paid research services, or you can come to the MGS Resource Centre (members free, non-members $10/day) and search our records and database.  Our volunteers will help you.  Unfortunately, we don’t have enough volunteers to do searches for every inquiry we get. 

      The best place for Metis or Indian heritage information is

      Centre du Patrimoine,
      Société historique de Saint-Boniface
      340, boulevard Provencher
      Saint-Boniface, Manitoba R2H 0G7

      Heritage Center
      Historical Society of Saint-Boniface
      340 Provencher Boulevard
      Winnipeg, MB R2H 0G7

      Société historique de Saint-Boniface
      Phone: (204) 233-4888

  • Daina


    I am looking to find out more about my family origins, and where they come from.

    My grandmother’s name was Myrna Armit, her mother Alice was born Alice Laboucane and father Robert Armit. Descendants of and John Laboucane and Robert Armit (sr.), respectively.

    Thank you

    • Aleta Foreman

      Hello Daina,
      Thank you for reaching out. I have forwarded your comments/message to our Research department. They will contact you by email to find out if we can be of some help.


  • Martin Dupont

    I am seeking information about our family whose names were Dupont & Perreault. Can you guide me as to who I would have to contact to get this done? Thanks

    • Angela Fiebelkorn

      Hi Martin,

      The Historical Society of Saint-Boniface should be your first place to look for Metis ancestry.  They have a very large Metis database.  If for some reason they cannot help you, please contact the MGS Research Team at  Happy searching!

      The best place to get Metis information is from:

      Centre du Patrimoine,
      Société historique de Saint-Boniface
      340, boulevard Provencher
      Saint-Boniface, Manitoba R2H 0G7

      Heritage Center
      Historical Society of Saint-Boniface
      340 Provencher Boulevard
      Winnipeg, MB R2H 0G7

      Société historique de Saint-Boniface
      Phone: (204) 233-4888

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