MGS Fundraising Auction – Update

MGS Fundraising Auction – Update


by Kathy Blair-Colbert
Chair, Fundraising



It has been a whirlwind of activity since we made the decision to hold a fundraising auction.  In late summer we started to collect items, and bidding culminated on Oct 23, 2023.  It was an exciting finish with a flurry of “fast and furious” bidding right before closing that was thrilling to watch.  We are pleased to announce that we made $1,845—the auction was a great success!

The lots that got the most attention were:
Lot 15 – Manitoba Music  (raised $355)
Lots 30 and 31 the two Inuit soapstone carvings  (raised $360)
Lot 9 – The Birks Watch (raised $310)

Most of the lots went for $30 to $50 and we are very pleased.  You can check out the results at Kaye’s Auctions.

THANK YOU to everyone who supported the auction with your donations.

THANK YOU to our many MGS volunteers who took photos, wrote up descriptions, packed our lots and labelled them, wrote blog posts on each lot and spread that over social media, liaised with Kaye’s Auction House, got our payment system set up and who volunteered to be available during pick up days and times so successful bidders will be able to get their items.

THANK YOU to those of you who successfully bid on items, congratulations. You helped make this fundraiser a success.

A SPECIAL THANK you to Kaye’s Auction House for waiving their fee for our charity auction.  We appreciate it very much!

To Aleta, Angela, and Daryl my appreciation for all that you did to contribute to the success of this fundraiser. It was a lot of work, but your efforts really paid off.

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