Cemetery Corner for Nov 2023


Cemetery Corner
Shaun Hobson #5336
Cemetery Committee Chair


Cemetery Committee

The next committee meeting is scheduled for 15 November 2023 at 7:00 pm by GoogleMeet and we welcome new members. Please email cemetery@mbgenealogy.com if you would like to join the committee.

Cemetery Transcribers

Our transcribers were busy this summer and they have started to send in the information from the cemeteries they re-read.  We will be busy over the next few months as we update our files and the information in MANI. If you are interested in learning more about transcribing cemeteries or would like to join our team of Transcribers please email me at cemetery@mbgenealogy.com.

Cemetery Audit

This cemetery audit is estimated to be a 5-year project. It involves checking the cemetery folders in the physical file cabinet at MGS and comparing the information with the digitized records on the MGS network drive and the Cemetery Workspace on Google and ensuring the files match in all three locations. We review the information for each cemetery with local history books, Manitoba vital statistic records obituaries, and online memorial databases to review our records for accuracy and to obtain missing information. We update the files and the transcription documents as needed. We also determine if the cemetery needs to be re-read.

There has been no progress on the cemetery audit over the summer months as shown below in the progress chart.

Number of Transcribed Cemeteries: 1,622
Number of Cemetery Folders:* 1,377
Number of Burials Transcribed: 475,725
Number of Active Cemeteries: 395
Number of Inactive Cemeteries:  199
Number of Cemetery Folders Reviewed: 229 (16.62% completed)
Number of New/Updated Transcript Documents: 220 (15.97% completed)
Number of Cemetery Folders Synced: 192 (13.93% completed)

*   Smaller, inactive cemeteries in a Municipality have been bundled into one document.

The cemetery audit can be done from the comfort of your home or at MGS and new volunteers are welcomed. Training will be provided. If you are interested in learning more about auditing cemeteries or would like to join our team of Auditors please email me at cemetery@mbgenealogy.com.

The project of cross-referencing MGS cemetery details with information found on other websites for: (1) accuracy of the cemetery name, (2) accuracy of the cemetery location, and (3) duplicate cemetery files, is continuing. We have been able to make corrections to some of our cemetery names and exact locations as a result. We, also, have established links to these reference websites which will help make the cemetery audit more efficient.

Manitobans Remembered

These short biographies of notable individuals buried in Manitoba continue to be published in our social media platforms (Website, Facebook and Instagram) every Thursday. If you would like to submit a short bio of an individual buried in a Manitoba cemetery, please submit the bio, with the name of the individual and the cemetery they are buried in, to my attention at cemetery@mbgenealogy.com.

If you have any questions or would like volunteer please send an email to my attention at cemetery@mbgenealogy.com.


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