In order to continue our participation at Folklorama we need volunteers to man our booth. Are you interested in assisting as a representative of the Manitoba Genealogical Society this year?
We need two people for each shift. See the shift schedule for times. Send me your shift requests, and I will then makeup and send out a schedule that hopefully meets with everyone’s approval. Email Bill Curtis: billcurtiswpg (at)
Do you know someone else who would like to help out? Give them my contact information. Is there someone in particular you would like to be paired up with? Let me know.
We are at the Scottish Pavilion located in the Caboto Centre (Italian cultural centre) at 1055 Wilkes Ave (see map). It is just up a short driveway off Wilkes.
The doors open to the public at 5:30 p.m., and 4:00 p. m. on Saturday, so we should be there by then. Note the earlier times this year! As I understand it at present, we will be going in the same main door as the public. Just tell them at the door you are a volunteer with MGS in the cultural centre. They should be able to direct you from there. You will then sign-in, and get a name tag and volunteer ribbon (which should be returned at the end of your shift).
Those of you who have been with us before, will remember that volunteers used to get a discount on a meal ticket. That did not happen last year. Because of volunteer shortages “in the main show area, food line etc.”, they have been encouraging volunteers to do two shifts instead of just one. As a reward, those people will get a meal discount for staying the whole evening, while those doing one shift will get a snack discount. That is the way it was last year, and I have not heard anything different this year.
We are all volunteers, so do what you are comfortable with. In that regard, wear a covid mask if you want to (the public doesn’t have to).
Any questions, email me at
If I am not at the pavilion when you are there, and you have questions, check with Bronwyn Swanson. She will be there in the cultural area with her spinning wheel.
Website: Pavilion of Scotland – Ceud Mile Failte! A Hundred Thousand Welcomes!