A very successful AGM was held on Saturday, June 2 with about 30 people in attendance.
2018-19 MGS Executive
President Jayne Paradis
Past President Jim Oke
VP Administration Vacant
VP Communications Janice Butcher (appointed at Executive meeting)
VP Finance Jim McKerchar
VP Inform. Technology Gayle Mager
2 Members-at-Large Mona Phillip, 1 vacant
Treasurer Vacant
Secretary Rick Walker
Note that three Executive positions are still vacant. We need to fill these positions ASAP. If you are interested or know of someone else who is interested, please contact the Nominations Chair at Janice.Butcher@umr.umanitoba.ca.
MGS Volunteer Service Award Winners
Joan Whiston Award Stephanie Wood
Florence Cox Award Kathleen Kristjanson
Kenda Wood
Bonnie Batchelor
Eric Jonasson Award Enid Dorward
Congratulations to all recipients. For a description of the Awards see website