Pedigree Chart Family History Book

Pedigree Chart (Ahnentafel)

by Angela Fiebelkorn, VP Communications
MGS Member #5795
MGS Writing Club SIG


The MGS Writing Club SIG has been exploring the many different ways you can publish your genealogy.  In fact, there are ten common family history publication types, and over the course of the season, we have been doing a ‘deep dive’ into each one of the types.

In October, 2023, the MGS Writing Club SIG explored how to publish a Pedigree Chart Family History Book.  This type of family history book is a book filled with pedigree charts, and should include source citations and an index at the very least.  Sometimes, they have an Introduction that introduces the family and gives some background on the family.  Sometimes they have chapters, with each chapter a series of pedigree charts of a different source individual (i.e. mother and father).  There are many, many different ways in which to create a pedigree chart book, and we will explore some of them.

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