Report for Dauphin Branch of MGS – January 20, 2024
Submitted by Virginia Fox, President, Dauphin Branch
Dauphin Branch is happy to report after the Christmas Season that we are beginning our efforts for this winter/spring season 2024.
Our next meeting is January 25th to be held at the Family History Center of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. We will have a brief planning meeting and then spend time working on becoming better acquainted with the MGS website. We are thankful for the use of the center and the computers that are available so that we can all participate and learn how to get the very most out of our MGS memberships. This meeting will begin at 7:00 pm.
Part of our meeting will be taken up with planning for our participation in the Dauphin Heritage Fair.
We are invited every year to take part and appreciate the recognition that the Heritage Group places on
our genealogy society in this community. The fair is always very well attended by citizens from near and
far in this area of Manitoba. We look forward to visiting with folks and helping them with questions
about their own family history and most important of all, to encourage them to do this work for
themselves and for their families.
Studying our families leads us to learning more about the history of birth places that family members
lived in before coming to this country.
Stories of our families are very important and are often forgotten as being one of the most important
parts of our family history. We all have stories in our families and it is crucial that they be written up
and filed carefully for our families to have in the future. We hear so often people saying that their
families are not interested in all the work they have done in family history. It is most important to have
faith in the family members of the future. Someone in the family will be interested one day. Maybe not
now, but in the future; some day, there will be someone who will have tears of gratitude for the work
that we have done. Let’s keep going forward.
Our Dauphin Heritage Fair is just one part of Heritage Week in Dauphin. The days of the fair are Feb. 16th
and February 17th at the Dauphin Market Place Mall. Heritage Week begins officially on February 12th .
The theme for the week is Commemorating The Royal Canadian Air Force 100th Anniversary. The display
area access is closest to the Safeway Entrance to the Mall and is encompassed in a large open sales area.
We are reminded that there are to be no sales items included with our display.
So we are excited to be heading toward spring and as we look forward to warmer weather, our annual
stint to the winter fair in Dauphin is a fantastic beginning for our genealogy work in 2024.