MGS Presenting at the Winnipeg Public Library

Here are some upcoming genealogy sessions that you can access via Zoom.

Internet Genealogy: the U.K. & Ireland

Online event registration 
Genealogist Elizabeth Briggs will demonstrate basic websites covering census information, vital statistics, and directories. She will also present information on free genealogy software and resources…
Date:  Monday, September 25, 2023
Time:  5:30PM – 7:30PM

Introduction to Genealogical Research

Join Bill Curtis, member and Community Education Coordinator for the Manitoba Genealogical Society to get started researching your family tree.

Finding Your Information
Monday, October 23: 5:30-7:30 p.m.

When researching your family history, you will want to know where to find information. Some of that information is “hidden” on the internet. This session will show you how dig out the information that applies to your own specific family, and will help you find libraries and archives that contain information not available online.

Free. To register, phone, visit or go online at

DNA Testing for Genealogy
Monday, October 30: 5:30-7:30 p.m.

Are you thinking of doing, or have you already done a DNA test? Can DNA testing help solve a family mystery? This session will give you a basic understanding of what DNA testing is, explaining what kinds of DNA tests are available, and what they can and cannot tell you. It will cover topics such as finding living relatives today and how far back you might be able to trace your family.

Free. Phone, visit or go online at to register. This is an online event. A Zoom link to attend will be sent when you register.

If you would like the poster to share via email or post somewhere, click to download IntroGenealogicalResearch

Généalogie Métisse

Jean-Pierre Noël du Centre du patrimoine présente les ressources disponibles pour les gens intéressés à rechercher leurs racines métisses et créer leur arbre généalogique. Ces ressources incluent les recensements et documents préservés dans les archives et les sociétés généalogiques.

Jean-Pierre Noël fait du bénévolat en généalogie depuis 2012. Enseignant de métier j’ai aussi donné des sessions de formation en généalogie ici et en Saskatchewan.

Bibliothèque de Saint-Boniface Le mardi 24 octobre de 18 h 30 à 19 h 30

Free. To register, phone, visit or go online at

If you would like the poster to share via email or post somewhere, click to download 20231024Genealogiemetisse

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