This past weekend (August 11 and 12), Bill Curtis and Angela Fiebelkorn, MGS Volunteers, manned the table at the St. Vital Agricultural Fair. The St. Vital Ag Society was celebrating it’s 112th Annual Display and Fair at the St. Vital Centennial Arena. MGS was there talking to those who visited the Ag Fair. Our MGS volunteers spoke to over 50 individuals about their family history research and about the resources that MGS has to offer.
This Agricultural Fair had the usual ‘exhibition’ (or display) of flowers, vegetables, baking, sewing and a large array of arts and crafts from handmade cards to gorgeous quilts lining one wall. There was a lot to see. Beyond the exhibition area, there was an area for vendors to sell their goods. Many businesses and groups were there, and of particular note was the Beekeeping table next to us with a display box of bees working on their ‘comb’. Very interesting.
The official events included the seniors’ afternoon; the annual BBQ; Winnipeg South Lions Club pancake breakfast and hot dog lunch; the Farmers’/Crafters’ Market; kids’ activities and much more. The kid’s balloon art was in evidence as they worked on making balloon animals. There were a lot of activities for attendees.
One visitor to our table was telling us about her brick wall with a great-grandfather who arrived at Ellis Island and made their way to Manitoba, but there are no records of his arrival. All avenues were searched to no avail.
Another visitor spoke of a wayward relative that showed up when his father died, took the inheritance, and disappeared again. He was “packing” a six-shooter in his jacket which was hidden away, but noticed by his elderly grandmother. No one knew where he came from, or where he went afterwards. He refused to talk about himself or his circumstances. There are no records that this visitor could find about him anywhere.
Then there were those who were curious about how to start working on their family history. Some visitors were wondering what to do with their genealogy once they passed on, and some were just curious about MGS because they had never heard of it before.
One visitor was researching the Tront family, which Angela was also researching. A lively discussion ensued about Cook’s Creek, MB, and the inevitable Horse Theft story that crops up from time to time in the extended family.
Overall, it was a fun event with many visitors to the MGS table expressing the desire to come visit our resource centre. Our thanks to Bonnie Batchelor, MGS Volunteer, who suggested we attend the St. Vital Ag Fair. Bonnie was actually at the table right behind ours representing the Winnipeg African Violet Society. It was a pleasant weekend activity.
Friday, August 11, 2023 2:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Saturday, August 12, 2023 9 am to 4:30 pm
St. Vital Agricultural Fair
St Vital Centennial Arena
580 St. Anne’s Road
Winnipeg, MB R2M 3G4