It has been almost two years since MGS was open on a regular basis. Thankfully, our normal hours of operation have returned!
Unless marked as Reference, all books in our library are available for MGS members to borrow. You can borrow up to six books/periodicals or CDs/DVDs at a time for three weeks.
Renewals are usually allowed as long as no other member has requested to borrow the same item(s).
During our closure (including sporadic openings), many members took the opportunity to borrow books from the MGS Resource Centre. We are thankful that you are using this service and find the books helpful. Many of our books have been “out” for well over a year due to the fact that we weren’t open to receive the return. The library committee is asking that you arrange to return the borrowed books by the end of March. There are a lot of loaned books and tracking everyone down individually is time consuming. So we are doing a general “Library Book Return” for March. In April, we will be contacting borrowers of the outstanding books.
We thank everyone for their cooperation as we resume our activities and get our “house” in order. Remember, we have well over 10,000 books in our library, and members are welcome to borrow any book (reference books not included).