We regret to inform you that one of our volunteers contracted Covid-19. The following rules apply:
Because you are a close contact of a COVID-19 case, unless otherwise exempt, you are required to self-isolate (quarantine) for 10 days, followed by 4 days of self-monitoring for symptoms, from the time you were exposed. You must continue to self-isolate (quarantine) for the full 10 days, and self-monitor for symptoms for a further 4 days, even if you receive a negative test, or as public health officials advise.
Province of MB Covid Instructions
Because there were a number of volunteers present with this individual last Thursday at MGS, the resource centre will not be open on Thursday, December 9, 2021 as all the Thursday volunteers must quarantine for 10 days.
Volunteers who go into MGS on other days are urged to ensure they keep their workspace disinfected, wear their mask, and maintain their distance from others.