Using “Kaye’s Dictionary of Ukrainian Canadian Biography” in your Research
Wednesday, January 16, 7:00 pm.
Presentation by Chris Bukoski, John Dobson and Lisa Haji Abbasi.
Vladimir Kaye’s three-volume series “Dictionary of Ukrainian Canadian Biography” (EEGS has recently published the Saskatchewan volume) is a compilation of information from numerous sources for Ukrainians who settled on the prairies at the turn of the 20th century. Oftentimes, readers may only find scant information about their ancestor. Join EEGS council members Chris Bukoski, John Dobson, and Lisa Haji Abbasi as they demonstrate with examples how to use the data found in a settler’s entry as a starting point for research. Research will focus on using free resources.
Thomson Funeral Home (meet in chapel), 669 Broadway Ave., Winnipeg.
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