David Archer has created a group Facebook page called “Operation Picture Me” to commemorate the 100th anniversary of World War I. He is sharing a year-long research project using the Winnipeg Tribune Archives, highlighting the contribution of over 5,000 Winnipeggers/ Manitobans who went to war, including almost 1000 who failed to return home. A major portion of the clippings is about the men, women and sometimes the children of Winnipeg who helped in the war effort. He praises the dedication of the Tribune staff who chronicled the personal stories of Winnipeg at War.
Over 5000 clippings have been uploaded to Facebook, under the group name “Operation Picture Me”. The clippings have been put in albums corresponding to the month and year of publication (except 1914). To help find a family member, an index has been created. To access the group, click on the link https://www.facebook.com/groups/698658293632613/ You must first request to join the group. You will be sent an email when you have been added and then you can view the site.