Get Involved; You’ll Be Glad You Did!
Our Branch depends on members just like you! We can always use another pair of hands (or twelve, so invite your friends to join you).
If you’ve got some time and the interest, check out some of the many ways you can become more involved with our Branch.
Short-term (1 time!)
- Submitting an article to the e-Zine about your own research, a source you found particularly helpful, an ancestor of interest, or anything else you believe other members would like to hear about!
- Presenting at a Monday Night Genealogy! Program — topics similar to those listed for articles above
- Note-takers at Monday Night Genealogy! to summarize content and suggested resources for publication in our e-Zine monthly journal. Many hands will make light work, so volunteers willing to take notes for a single presentation are welcome. We can provide a template to help you focus on the key points! If a Branch member is the presenter you may ask that person, if you wish, to review your notes.
Medium-term (2 to 6 months)
- Members on Working Groups — Working Groups are formed to deal with specific projects, and are time-limited. Currently, we have 2 such working groups — Membership Recruitment Planning, and Branch Webpage. A working group is convened annually, from Feb to May to plan, recruit, and develop a schedule of Presenters for our monthly Programming. New working group members are frequently needed. Opportunities to contribute to a working group are usually posted in our monthly e-Zine.
- Volunteering at the Resource Centre — the Branch will be staffing the MGS Resource Centre 1 Saturday per month (10 am to 3 pm) to have it open to the public. This is a great opportunity to learn about what is available at MGS, to meet new people, to help those who are new to genealogy learn how to use resources, and boost your own research skills! Volunteer for 2 or 3 shifts per year. Prior experience in genealogy research is preferred but you can count on the other volunteers to answer your questions and support you.
Long-term (min 1 year)
Supporting Communications:
- Editor of the e-Zine (coordinate monthly publication) appointed
- Webpage Master (post items created by others regularly to the webpage) appointed
- Regular contributor to e-Zine (creation of ‘regular’ column—every 2 to 4 months)
- Websites of interest
- New technology
- Book reviews
- New data releases
- E-mail distribution of Branch communications—get up-to-date membership list from Treasurer monthly for all mailings (e-Zine, Zoom invitations, and other communications)
Supporting Programming:
- Zoom Meeting Facilitator (monitoring chat, explaining ‘how to’ for new users, logging on and off, etc.)
- Supporting in-person meetings (opening Resource Centre, set-up, take down, rearrange furniture)
- Liaison with Presenters (communication—getting bios and descriptions, ascertaining what equipment is needed, greeting and introducing presenters at Resource Centre or on-line)
- Facilitator of Special Interest Group (SIG) if there is interest in forming a group around a particular area of interest aside from general meetings, for example: Irish research; writing group; using Legacy software; etc.
Supporting Staffing of Resource Centre:
- Scheduling Branch Volunteers to staff the Resource Centre 1 Saturday per month; and coordinating (not delivering) any training the volunteer may desire or require.
Supporting Membership:
- Reaching out to members whose dues have lapsed via phone or e-mail to remind them
- Contacting new Branch members to welcome them and make them aware of upcoming educational presentations and idea sharing events.
Executive Roles
The Executive Officers shall manage the affairs and direct the activities of the Southeast & Winnipeg Branch (hereinafter referred to as the Branch) of the Manitoba Genealogical Society (hereinafter referred to as MGS or the Society).
Membership on the Branch Executive:
The Branch Executive shall be composed of eight (8) officers, seven (7) of whom shall be elected by the membership. The others shall be the Treasurer and Membership Secretary appointed by the Executive, and the immediate Past President of the Branch.
Term(s) of Office:
The officers shall be elected by the members of the Branch at the annual general meeting (AGM) for a term of one (1) year, or until their successors are duly elected and installed. The term of each officer commences on June 1st following the election and terminates on May 31st of their last year.
- No elected position on the Executive may be held by any one person for more than three (3) consecutive terms.
- No member may hold more than one (1) elected position on the Branch Executive at any one time.
Read about the duties common to all officers.
Please find more specific role information by using the links below.
- President & Corresponding Secretary
- First Vice-President
- Second Vice-President
- Treasurer & Membership Secretary (appointed by Executive)
- Recording Secretary
- Three (3) Councillors
- Past President (a non-elected role)
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