The Manitoba Genealogical Society has been proudly providing members with our journal entitled Generations for over 45 years! Chock full of great information, readers are treated to an abundance of valuable resources including an ever-changing list of the assets in our Library and Resource Centre, stories about research done by our members on their own genealogical journey, upcoming MGS business and events, highlights about some of our volunteers and so much more. Although Generations emphasizes Manitoba subjects and themes, articles of general genealogical interest about other provinces and locations are often included.
Generation Gaps is a special feature of the journal where individuals can enlist the help of readers researching similar names and locations. Members are permitted one free query per year. You can find the Queries and Classified Ads in the MGS store. We hope you find the help you are looking for.
Submissions for printing in Generations by members and others are welcome at any time. We’d love to hear from you! Please send your article (up to 2500 words) as a .doc, .docx, .rtf or .txt file, via email to Be sure to give appropriate credit when reprinting excerpts. Submission deadlines are the 15th of each month. Inclusion of your article in Generations Digital Journal is at the discretion of the Editor, dependent on space and your subject matter. Actual content will be reviewed by the Generations team and may be edited for clarity and length.
Consider being part of the team that puts Generations together for our membership. Do you have an idea about a regular feature you’d like to see in each issue? Are you willing to help with the tasks of compiling, editing or distributing our Journal? You know what they say, many hands make light work (English proverb from the early 1300s).
Advertise your business in Generations! Advertisers get their promotions out to the genealogy community, and the money raised through your advertisements helps support the Manitoba Genealogical Society – a win/win situation! Visit the MGS Store for our various advertising options. We would love to hear from you!
Getting your own copy of Generations is easy. If you are a member, you are automatically added to our mailing list. Non-members can join our mailing list through the form on our homepage. The digital journal Generations lets everyone know about the activities of MGS, and member have access to special member-only content. This can be accessed by logging into the membership area. Visit Member-only Generations to view that content. As usual, all back issues back to 1976 of Generations can be found in MANItoba Name Index and in the membership area. Generations has been indexed is searchable in MANI.
Although the Manitoba Genealogical Society and the Generations Team make every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in each issue, we cannot accept responsibility if errors are found within its pages.
Click on the image to access our free “course” where we guide you through how to write your family history story, and the instructions for submitting your story. Look for How to Write a Story for Submission to the Journal.