Your query will be assigned to a specific individual on the research team. They will communicate with you regarding any details you may have about your ancestor to get them started. MGS has many sources in the Resource Library that for copyright reasons cannot go into the Manitoba Name Index (MANI). These will all be manually searched. In addition, we have many local history books and other sources online that the research team uses to find information.
You will get a:
A minimum of 6 hrs of research time by a member(s) of the MGS Research Team
A search of Relevant MGS Resource Library holdings and online genealogical resources
Electronic delivery of results (e-mail with file downloads)
NEW MGS MEMBERS All new MGS members will receive a one-time offer of a full research package for half the regular research price for members. This offer is only valid for the first 3 months after taking out a new membership. You will receive your discount code from the Research Team when you have filled out the Research Package Form and been approved for the research.
RENEWING MGS MEMBERS All renewing MGS members (including life members) will be offered a full research package for half the regular research price for members. This offer is only valid for the first 3 months after renewing a membership. You will receive your discount code from the Research Team once you have filled out the Research Package Form and been approved for the research.
PLEASE NOTE that the research team does the research approval process to ensure they can assist you before you pay.
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