Submitted by Janet Smith, MGS member 5837
There are a variety of new books in the MGS Library, including the following family histories, yearbooks, and resources to assist new and experienced genealogists with their research.
Available books
Tracing Your Ancestors Through Family Photographs: A Complete Guide for Family and Local
By Jayne Shrimpton, 2014
Details: Photographs provide insight into events, locations, the times and the lives of the individuals in the picture. This book is a complete guide to analyzing family photographs, and preserving them for the future. The author describes the various types of photographs and explains how they can be dated. The chapters look at different special occasions such as baptisms, weddings, funerals, holidays, and advises how to identify the individuals shown, possible locations and other information. Details such as clothing, furniture, vehicles, and street signs can all be used to find context for a photograph. There are over 150 old photographs provided as examples.
Location: GEN 929.11 SHR
Dating by Design 1840 – 1915: A New Way of Dating Old Photographs
By Stephen Gill, 2020
Details: “Dating by Design is a totally new way of assessing the date of an old photograph based on clothing, style and detail”.
Different types of photos and their dates are reviewed, followed by a summary of trends for hair, shoulders, sleeves and skirts. The book progresses in five-year periods analyzing actual photos. Useful links and a reading list are provided. There are over 180 colour illustrations.
Location: GEN 391 GIL
Dating by Design Volume 2: Twentieth Century 1900 – 1975
By Stephen Gill, 2022
Details: Many advances were made in the practice, accessibility and technology involved in photography between 1900 and 1975. This volume provides more information on how the dating process works. In the same manner as the first volume, this book describes trends of hats, dresses and skirts and hair. Then actual photograph are analyzed, in detail, by time periods.
Location: GEN 391 GIL v.2
Treasures in My Chest
By Andrew McKnight, 2019
Details: This book combines stories of the author’s family with tips and techniques for doing genealogical research. The author is a songwriter with a music background and so music, songs and lyrics are an important part of the presentation. The stories include ties to the Titanic, ancestors who served in the Civil War, and accounts of migrant relatives coming to America for a better life.
Location: FHB 921 McK
Family Names in the Glens of Antrim
By Brian S. Turner, 2021
Details: The author explores the historical and social significance of the family names of the Glens of Antrim, which is a distinctive region in the northeast part of Ireland. Many family names have longtime significance in the community. Maps and photos of churches and cemeteries and gravestones are included. Several families are explored in detail, including the most common name, MacDonnell and its various spellings.
Location: GBI 929.4 TUR