The Great Goal of the 2024 Great Canadian Giving Challenge


Every year the Manitoba Genealogical Society takes part in the Great Canadian Giving Challenge. Canada Helps challenges all charitable organizations in Canada to fundraise in the month of June and each dollar donated to MGS during this time period gives us a chance to win a prize of $20,000.

Every great fundraising campaign needs a Great Goal. At MGS, our Great Goal is to raise the funds to purchase a large format archival scanner.

We have thousands of Manitoba family genealogies and histories on our shelves and in our filing cabinets that we have collected since 1976. The MGS Resource Library has many other paper documents like newspaper clippings, handwritten records copied from Manitoba sources that are not online, as well as many old maps.

There are over 500 11×17-inch pedigree charts alone which requires a large format archival scanner. We have binders with family group sheets and biographies of individual family members, and these often include large scale maps, as well as photos and other source documents. Many genealogy binders hold fold-out pedigree charts in custom sizes. Many old source documents are odd sized—often handwritten or even hand painted certificates.

Our Great Goal for the Great Canadian Giving Challenge is a large format archival scanner

After almost 50 years of collecting, these paper documents are yellowing and growing brittle. A large format archival scanner will allow us to preserve these documents digitally for future generations. We need to scan them so these family histories are never lost. We also want to make them more accessible to our members, visitors to the MGS branches, and to visitors at the MGS Resource Centre.

To achieve this we need to be able to scan documents to put in our e-library and we need a large format archival scanner to get started. We want to be able to scan these properly to preserve this vital information that has been put into our care for future generations to be able to access.

But to achieve this Great Goal, we need your help. We are reaching out to you because you have already demonstrated your passion and interest in genealogy and the telling of your family story. Would you be willing to make a special contribution of $15, $25, $50, or $100 knowing that each dollar donated gives us a chance of winning $20,000 to contribute to our Great Goal? A charitable receipt will be sent to you by Canada Helps on our behalf.

All you need to do to contribute to this worthwhile venture is fill in the Canada Helps donation form below.  They will send you a charitable donation tax receipt.

Send cheque donations to:
Manitoba Genealogical Society, Inc.,
Unit E – 1045 St. James St,
Winnipeg, MB R3H 1B1

or you can visit our Canada Helps page at

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